
White Coat

The UMHS White Coat Ceremony marks the entree of an incoming class of students into the medical profession. The premise is that medical professional life starts at the beginning of medical studies, not at qualification, and that medical students are effectively bound by the same professional commitments that bind practicing physicians. Enrolling students into the profession with the celebration of this right-of-passage serves to welcome them, affirms their new status, and emphasizes the importance of committing themselves to excellence. During the ceremony, faculty members cloak the new students in their first white coat as a symbol of the trust being placed on them to carry on the noble tradition of doctoring.


May 2018 will mark the 10th anniversary of the inaugural class at UMHS in May 2008. From this small beginning of 21 students, and the subsequent first Graduation Ceremony held in June 2012 for 37 students, UMHS continues to excel in providing an excellent curriculum of medical education for the 21st century physician. With 502 medical graduates as of June 2017, the 10 year legacy UHMS has established is just the beginning! Congratulations to all of our graduates! Keep up the good work!

Virtual MATCH Day

May 7, 2021 UMHS held the first special virtual MATCH Day event. Congratulations! Keep up the good work!